On Friday, June 28, the former president, 78, was slammed by social media users after a video went viral of the politician rambling on about electric planes. This dude is a dangerous psychopath," the individual shared alongside the clip of Trump speaking at his Chesapeake, Va., rally on Friday, June 28. A third referenced the Thursday, June 27, presidential debate, writing, "Wow and they think he did so good last night lol," while a fourth user shared, "The choice couldn’t be clearer." As OK previously reported, not only did Trump rant about electric transportation during his rally, he also warned his supporters of Hannibal Lector, inviting them to dinner. The politician mentioned the fictional cannibalistic serial killer played by Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs while discussing how he believes undocumented people are "coming from prisons and jails, mental institutions and insane asylums like Silence of the Lambs." If he suggests, ‘I’d like to have you for dinner,’ don’t go. one person penned, while another agreed, "Yes, Donald Trump believes Hannibal Lecter, the fictional cannibalistic serial killer, is real.." "He saw it on the TV machine so it must be real. This was not the first time Trump has mentioned the film character, as during his Wildwood, N.J., rally on May 11, he began, "They’re emptying out their mental institutions into the United States, our beautiful country. he asked, "The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man.
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