Kenan follows the life of busy single dad Kenan Williams (Kenan Thompson), who is juggling a high-profile job as host of Atlanta morning show Wake Up With Kenan! and raising two adorable pre-teen daughters – the too-smart Aubrey (Dani Lane) and the silly, unpredictable Birdie (Dannah Lane).
As Kenan moves on from the loss of his wife a year earlier, his live-in father-in-law Rick (Don Johnson), his brother/manager/roommate Gary (Chris Redd) and his colorful co-workers, including his driven executive producer, Mika (Kimrie Lewis), and his ambitious co-host, Tami (Taylor Louderman), all have strong opinions on the best way for him to live his life.
Lorne Michaels, Kenan Thompson, Andrew Singer, David Caspe, Kenny Smith Jr., Lisa Muse Bryant and Bryan Tucker serve as executive producers. The series was created by Jackie Clarke and David Caspe.
Kenan is produced by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, in association with Broadway Video.
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